AUGUST 1, 2024

We met in-person. 7 attendees (6 PWS, 1 SLP). Included was a first-timer and a second-timer. We did introductions with an emphasis on sharing thoughts about attending our first meeting and why we come back. The focus of our meeting was watching a 12-minute video with a variety of perspectives on stuttering. After each video clip, we paused the video and shared our thoughts. Smart conversation and meeting attendees left with a deeper understanding of their stutter.

Video clip descriptions listed below.


John Stossel and Emily Blunt
Lots to talk about in this video from why they deliberately choose not to stutter to their experiences being a person who stutters to destigmatizing stuttering to John and Emily’s hyper fluency.

Ken Sema
Ken is a pro football (soccer) player in Sweden. He gained famed when his post-game interview went viral last year. It’s ordinary for star athletes to be interviewed. It’s not ordinary for us to see a star athlete stutter on television. The headlines that accompanied the viral video articles are worth talking about.

Curtis Blaydes
Curtis is a UFC (mixed martial arts) heavyweight. He recently gave a pre-fight interview talking about his stutter and dispelling a few myths to educate people about stuttering.

Joe Biden

In Joe Biden’s address to the nation explaining why he left the 2024 presidential race, he said a memorable line that touched everyone who cares about anyone who stutters.