OCTOBER 10, 2024
For our October meeting, we watched a 16-minute compilation video of three (shortened) NSA Storyteller talks from the 2024 NSA Conference. Each speaker shared aspects of their stuttering journey. To spark conversation, the video
was paused after each presenter and we used the question prompts below to focus our discussion.
Videos are from the NSA’s YouTube page.
- What are your thoughts about Ashleigh’s presentation style?
- What makes Ashleigh a good presenter?
- What did you relate to in Ashleigh’s stuttering journey story?
- What are your thoughts when Ashleigh said, “… a flipped switched in my brain and I turned that confidence in getting rid of my stutter into confidence in myself with my stutter .”
- What are your thoughts about Tim’s presentation style?
- What makes Tim a good presenter?
- What did you relate to in Tim’s stuttering journey story?
- Tim said, “I’m an extrovert trapped inside an introvert’s body?” Are you the same? If so, how? If not, how?
- Tim said, “Stuttering is okay. Struggling is okay. Struggling while you stutter is okay too no matter where you are on your stuttering journey.” Thoughts?
- What are your thoughts about Ezra’s presentation style?
- What makes Ezra a good presenter?
- What does fluency mean to you? Perfect speech or speaking without thinking about your stutter and how people react to it?